Welcome to the Thomson Hollow HOA website!
The HOA board has set this website up as a tool to communicate, be transparent, and improve our day-to-day living experiences as a community.
To get full access to the website, you have to be a member of the Thomson Hollow community (a homeowner). Homeowners, we have set up a member profile for head of household and spouse, as applicable. Once you login, you will be able to access all member-related content. Note: Certain information from your member profile will be visible in the member directory to all members of the community (not the general public). The information that will be available to other members will include your name, address, and lot number.
You will have to set your password with your first login. Your usernames are available from one of the board members. One you are logged in, please update your user information (including email address and phone numbers).
One logged in, take some time to explore this website. As we are a new subdivision and this website is a work in progress, feel free to take the survey and submit any and all feedback for improvements. This website was launched with specific targeted content included (such as HOA meeting minutes & financial statements in the "documents" folder of "Members"). Other areas have examples of what this website could be in the future (such as message board, news, and upcoming events).
Please be patient as we look to continuously improve on our community living experience.
~ Thomson Hollow HOA Board